Monday 7 May 2012

Inadvertent Erections

I recently found out that an inadvertent erection caused by another man is called a 'Broner'


An unintentionally manly inspired boner

Now this got me thinking about other un intentional erections.  Most women and some men believe all erections are a sexual reaction to an event however, most men know that we have pseudo sexual reactions to all manner of situations.
An example is what I lovingly like to call the "Pee Boner".  A desperate need to pee but no option to go causes us to grow a "stiffy" in order to quash the body's ability to flow.

But I'm now questioning the name of what I can only call "The Bus Boner".
This arises as you sit on a bus, specifically in the seat that is located over the engine and wheels at the back end of the bus.  The gentle hum and vibration of the engine inspires an unintentional erection which can cause embarrassment as you try to disembark the said transport.  Especially when you are wearing tracksuit bottoms, which displays your manhood in its full magnificence and causes deep offence to the other passengers as it taps them on the face as you squeeze past.   What would be the name for this inadvertent erection??

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