Monday 7 May 2012



I know what you're saying, "This fucker cant even keep up his other blog" and you know what?  You are totally right!  Winter here is pretty harsh and i have not had mmany adventures however, summer is just around the corner so experiences will be explained soon.

"Why start another blog?" you might ask.   See what it is, is that I have some unknown form of dementia, this in turn makes me blert out things that are sparking in my brain.  Left untreated and unexpressed it can lead to severe surreal situations playing out inside this noggin of mine. 
I really feel i needed a home to express these thoughts.  I'm not sure I even care if its read,  It's more about getting "stuff" down and looking back over it.  Weather it be a whisky induced rant, or a baffling lack of understanding as to why a dog licks its testicles, I feel like I want to write it down here rather than have that look of horror from the old woman why just came out to buy some bread looking at me with total bewilderment. 

So here we are.....  If you feel like you have the keys to any of my questions feel free to comment and follow this blog.  

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